Wednesday, March 29, 2006

introducing Principle 5-9 and their AT's

Principle 1 to 4 did create a FORM dealing with the Purpose, the Challenge and the Service needed to enliven what has to be fulfilled.

The next principles 4-9 will use this FORM 5 times
guided by archetypical principals (AT's) which will be explained later on. However to get an idea of what happens ... some pictures may illustrate the idea of coöperating entities
(both to be clicked several times).

Picture the colours as the setting of the FORM dynamically opened by natural cause through principle 1-4 ... which at the end, following and practising : D 5 - 9 and their paired archetypical (AT1-20) principals will show up : D ynamical principles 10 - 13 ...

i'm curious too ... what this will bring up ...

glimpsing at principle 5-9

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