Friday, March 17, 2006

:D 4 - Self Existing priciple

action Measuring
power Define
essence Form

A table is a self-existing thing, isn't it? A flower is a self-existing thing too ...
There is a difference in the perception of being self-existing between the Table and the Flower ...
The Flower is reacting on streams of light, temperature, soil, water & maybe also on passing creature, like a peeing dog ... or a human cutting it to (strange enough) cherish the flower ...
People use a table because of a functional habit, to put a vase on it with flowers and to eat while using the table te sit at with fellow humans or to talk.
Certain properties can be mentioned to describe a self-existing thing, some properties can be standardized, others cannot be standardized.
Can people themselves be considered as a self-existing entity as a principle?

The Self-Existing principle contains the Electric principle within its divine existence calling the Magnetic principle to have a Purpose to Serve.

Again as before the other 3 principles propagate the fourth: so, the power Define unify polarization and electricity ;-)

This Day 21/3/06 writing this theme ... a glimse at a 2013Calendre tells me in a different Language :

KIN 82 - Weißer Selbstbestehender Wind

Die Geisteskräfte schaffen heute den Rahmen, damit das Neue Form

bekommen und in die Wirklichkeit gerufen werden kann.

~ Geisteskraft durchflutet und verbindet; Kommunikation wird zum Maß! ~

Why do i read this texture in a different language? Well, it suits me this way to function as an oracle, a free mind revelating "glimpse" ... thats works somehow ... as time & space.

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