Friday, March 17, 2006

:D 1 - Magnetic principle

action Attracting
power Unify
essence Purpose

In order to Communicate with Other Beings this blog self-un-folds its meanings by first promoting its protocol, its formrules, as a template how (1) actions and their actiongroup, how (2) powers and their powergroup, how (3) essences and their essencegroup and, finally, how those (I) actiongroups, (II) powergroups and (III) essencegroups perform al to gether in a integrated field which combines the cube and the sphere mechanisms of life.

So this blog intends to attract both its own intention and at the same time this Purpose ... Unifying author and readers. In the meantime learn and teach one another ... to communicate our lives even better than before.

The Hand image pictures the various group properties that are focussed on here.

Those cube-oriented properties of group I are linked to/resonating on group III. Both working together in a potentiality calling mode.

Group II is a container for sphere-oriented properties working together dynamically.

As a rule in this earthly life ... the other 3 arguments propagate the 4th: So, the power Unify cannot go with the powers of Polarize, Activate & Define; the action Attracting cannot go with the actions of Stabilizing, Bonding, Measuring; the essence of Purpose cannot go without the enlivening of Challenge, Service & Form.

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