Friday, December 04, 2009

kweekspell linking

"each teardrop pictures a rainbow from the heart & earth & limby tops"

Halfway february 2010 the frequency for a week is reset to another one ...

how do people react on this kind of changes when they are not prepared on the earthquake"?

~~~ (lots of emotional exchanges)

but then ~ how does the Phoenix Rise and get everyone at an "AWE" ?

and can you see through the sound of "AWE" ?


why KweekSpell Linking ?

allow yourself to think this option is open to comment on the coöperation of several merging things in "a whippy", simply while they "seek one another at an every day/timecell more swift tempi" ... it is a sort of mass-kundalini - this phoenix ...

i myself label this as the ALL~Phoenix wich has GRID days on 0-daya according the KweekSpell Sovereigning Paradigm at Navigation on that Planetary Level ... (withou any government ~ and their individuals aligned to the mission ... simply understand and agree - dreaming their historic liberations)

so here the educational resonance given by Generation Binding S'ilence gets the Fear out of the Individual infected by "some infection". When we agree upon a System then it Prooves what it has been designed for and agreed upon ... as a fact. When it did not proove its outcome ... then it was no system but ... who claims the reference for what it was after all (concluding?).

Shortly indicated i'ld say GBS' prooves its garanty by mature and passover principles.

Then we have change of frequency on the old paradigm ... simply shile this affects all participants into the wave we need as a real chance for a change and its effect ... the pivotal change - getting HOMO "X". X as a label for what arises to us ...

CRUX here?

well , what about linking into this mission?

U know how to do that ...

And i agree on exactly that!

Love Life BlindTrust ~ S"ace

~ give time to see my conclusion at the bottom of this article ...

AWE? A WE - aint that about a planet and lots of needs needing one another?