Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ode's Treaty december 2000

toDay i am triggered in my MemoryStick GoverninG my Presence ...

it is here echoing the 2 days Symposion at a Grand Hotel in Noordwijk aan Zee , the Netherlands ... at a leyline because it edges at the Strand / the Sea & a Vast Continent Eastwards to Omsk (Russia~SovjetUnion). It marks the loss of an Island: AnglaTerra ... and they seem to hold on to their Pond in stead of merging to "another Planetary Standard for Exchanging Energy / Information / Values / Common Normatives on Peace / Civilized Local Commonities"

anyhow "this status will only change from people that arise from the LeyLine attached from itself ~ by Sane Breathing Birthing this new Aeon ~ where AE may reflect C"ae"sar with some humour and AE stands for Another Era ~ Alternatives EmerginG - etc. (add your perception on Truth/GoodNess/Beaty Wings!)

So - in my personal memoires (i "retired in 1985 contemplating ancient ice (Breen/Glacier) melting to the Norwegian Fjord") those days in December 2000 i co-operated with my late friend Eckart J. Wintzen and Kees Zwart and Jurriaan Kamp and so many "die-hards" (Brian Eno, ...) in the declaration from those 2 days ... where the add-on stated "Generation Binding" as a sensible topic to resonate in the mission at charge:

"towards an economy where anybody counts"

this in the slipstre'am of Schumachers "SmaLL is Beautiful"

It is true , i slightly adjusted the his title in order to awake the ancient power of magic ... at the toolbox of the one(s) in navigational role ... enrôling the new tides ... as perkament roles ... (niw in cybersphere triggering the noösphere)

namasteY ::*|*:: s'ace ~ a biVid bi0V0id~inG

Democracy is the Hardest Enterprise we People ever Invented ~ and we are Aligned into its Re-Invention ~ by Now (aGRee!) ...

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