Friday, February 13, 2009

friday the 13th prepares valentine's D'

hi, a shorty today ...

simply because most of it i want to address 2/13/20 09 is here

i weave it in here in order to ignite my energy and focus for accomplishing the previous topic ...

those 22 roles places on a map of Maslows Redemption: Wohls'am ...
which were prepared by the essential building blocks before that ... as in evolutional weaving where things grow together from their specific talents / functionalities in a merging organisation on integrity moods with its own legacy.

This is also a mighty, maybe allmighty, focus addressed in the link i gave.

This all also in the duty and service call given by the very owners of the waternet foundation - the citizens of the capital city of the Netherlands Amsterdam and its related water-estate inhabitants.

their pioneering servant in his own articulation "Chief Chaos2Order" since 2003 , more adjusted to the world and enterprise we live in Integral Director i.o. ')
C.J. de Groot

') i.o. is an abbreviation addressing 8 stages ") described by Spiral Dynamics integral; one of several relevant maps that guide manhood in another era ... / cycle / phase

note (feb~17 2009): actually given the dispensation of the WOHLS'AM Pyramid ... also the 9th phase of "i.o." is fitting the plane/plain set : dutch "impliciet overgenomen" is equivalent to "implicit power assumed" - why? simply because the Leader meets the Norms and Values Attuned (so often and deeply); that 9th level is also parallel to the mission of the Ninth Lord of Time who was catalysed by the 8th Lord (VV&RQ ~ writers of the Cosmic History Chronicle <- said to be a couple dismissed the return to their country(?) - which is a property that Glorifies them - and can be set by Obama ! : )

") in Dutch the Orange Level is neared by the words "innovatief ondernemen" , see "i.o." and in English this articulates as "innovative enterprising" ("i.e.") ~ in the origin science SDi it is spiced by the "Succes Drive" motiv ("Bill Gates and his look alikes as typo in an era we are leaving behind"). Orange is the 5th WorldView stage in that optic lens ... we aim to enter the 7th and 8th phases which might directly invoke the 9th ... Red Coral ...

That is about those Wohlsam images telling a Cartoon ...

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