Wednesday, May 06, 2009

marriage in biovoidall terms

is a 11:11 portal "to~be~co~me"

and i place it in biovoidal terms ... which needs some clarification:

a bivid is a creature aligned to a dispensation without a plan (which is indeed implicit in the meaning of a dis-pensation) ~ however still connected by revelating moods to a chaordic radiance that guides opening pathways: the biovoid

the biovoid is an entity similar to culture and society however it inter and transconnects through spaces pioneered by many nomads as monads (inseparable unity of spiritbodies); in historic perspective one can mark the 2013 frontier as a pivotal marker which guides biovoids to germinate the planet as mushrooms at fall ~ here a waterfall


Having written this we people might gather at places and spots and share our holds at large.

Imagine a whole planetary marriage maybe guided by "smashing thoughts" as "9 daya a kweek" ...


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